I like to make games, but the big question is, are games an art form? Oh yeah, and would you like to see my spaceship, best pickup line ever.

Zont El Fonzo @Zontelfonzo

Age 33, Male

Capt. of a Spaceship

BooYeahVille, AwesomeTon

Joined on 7/23/08

Exp Points:
1,092 / 1,110
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My first post :D

Posted by Zontelfonzo - September 4th, 2009

Well iv had a NG's account for a while and i decided, maybe i should do sumthing beside reviewing and such. Well i havent posted on here b4 so that would be a start. Maybe for this first post ill talk about myself :P, cuz i no that is everyones favorite thing to read :P anyways iv often thought of submiting content to the portal but iv not manged to produce anything i would call... "portal worthy". Iv made some concepts for moves and games but nvr been able to get a good start on them. But if i was to submit to the portal it most like would be a song that i had composed. Im am always riteing songs and playing them. maybe someday ill write a song that when recored and ect ect i will upload it the the aduio portal.
I think now ill describe my Judge still for flash games and movies. First thing i have to mention, is one of my bigest pet peaves.... FORCED LOOPING >:O when a movie has no replay button and it just gose on and on, exspesily the short short ones. they end to annoy the crap outa me. another thing i dont like. STUPID ANOYING SPMA LIKE VIDS OR VIDS THAT SERVE NO POURSE AND CLUTTER THE PORTAL! maybe i over reacted, but videos like that are a waste of time. It sadenes my heart tho to see a smal animation every so often that if you dont look carefully enought apears to be a spam vid but is in realty a aspireing animators first atemp at an animaton. well i think iv be a lil negative for a bit.
Now i should mention the stuff i do like to see :D yay happy faces all around :D :D :D anyays.... I tend to give higher scores to flash, audio, and art to content that comes from solo artist and anmaotrs with alota help. if i see that the flash has 2 artist, a programs, and a couple voice actors i asume they have more resourse at there disposel then the lone user how has pretty much nothing.
Another thing is... i like to laugh, funny subisions = thumbs up
here a list of flash contnt i like:
good madness
submissions that have good music
again i say, stuff taht makes me laugh
something with an art style that apeals to me
some thats, out of the box
artistic like stuff

and well that a short list.
well iv been rambling on for a while now so im gonna let you return NG.

The one
The only
Zont El Fonz-o

"peace out girl scout" <------inside joke that has funny story ill might tell later


dam try not writing soo much