Well iv had a NG's account for a while and i decided, maybe i should do sumthing beside reviewing and such. Well i havent posted on here b4 so that would be a start. Maybe for this first post ill talk about myself :P, cuz i no that is everyones favorite thing to read :P anyways iv often thought of submiting content to the portal but iv not manged to produce anything i would call... "portal worthy". Iv made some concepts for moves and games but nvr been able to get a good start on them. But if i was to submit to the portal it most like would be a song that i had composed. Im am always riteing songs and playing them. maybe someday ill write a song that when recored and ect ect i will upload it the the aduio portal.
I think now ill describe my Judge still for flash games and movies. First thing i have to mention, is one of my bigest pet peaves.... FORCED LOOPING >:O when a movie has no replay button and it just gose on and on, exspesily the short short ones. they end to annoy the crap outa me. another thing i dont like. STUPID ANOYING SPMA LIKE VIDS OR VIDS THAT SERVE NO POURSE AND CLUTTER THE PORTAL! maybe i over reacted, but videos like that are a waste of time. It sadenes my heart tho to see a smal animation every so often that if you dont look carefully enought apears to be a spam vid but is in realty a aspireing animators first atemp at an animaton. well i think iv be a lil negative for a bit.
Now i should mention the stuff i do like to see :D yay happy faces all around :D :D :D anyays.... I tend to give higher scores to flash, audio, and art to content that comes from solo artist and anmaotrs with alota help. if i see that the flash has 2 artist, a programs, and a couple voice actors i asume they have more resourse at there disposel then the lone user how has pretty much nothing.
Another thing is... i like to laugh, funny subisions = thumbs up
here a list of flash contnt i like:
good madness
submissions that have good music
again i say, stuff taht makes me laugh
something with an art style that apeals to me
some thats, out of the box
artistic like stuff
and well that a short list.
well iv been rambling on for a while now so im gonna let you return NG.
The one
The only
Zont El Fonz-o
"peace out girl scout" <------inside joke that has funny story ill might tell later
dam try not writing soo much